Philosophy Major

Explore the most fundamental questions in life with clarity, precision, and logical rigor. 

As a philosophy student, you’ll investigate questions concerning the human condition that have been debated since the beginning of civilization, as well as philosophical issues arising in our high-tech, globally interconnected world.

Take courses in traditional branches of philosophy such as ethics, epistemology, the mind, and metaphysics. Learn about more recently developed areas or study philosophy in an interdisciplinary context in classes like Philosophy of Biology and Freedom, Markets and Well-Being.

Philosophic training is an asset to your career and enriches your personal life. You’ll learn to formulate precise and concise arguments; to identify fallacious reasoning; to understand and evaluate your own and others’ views and arguments; and to communicate successfully when you speak and write.

Spring 2024 Philosophy of Law class with Professor Michael Green
Spring 2024 Philosophy of Law class with Professor Michael Green

What You’ll Study

    • Courses in metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, and history of philosophy
    • Courses in value theory, such as ethics, political philosophy, or philosophy of law
    • A course in logic
    • An advanced seminar and electives on specific philosophers and current issues
    • Senior literature review and optional thesis
Choose from 44 philosophy courses.

Learning at Pomona

Drey Diggs '24

Drey Diggs ’24

One of the things that drew me to philosophy was the collective nature of the work— no one can do good philosophy on their own! I love how working as a philosophy mentor has allowed me to meet new people in the department and philosophize with them.


Kristen Taylor ’26
Kristen Taylor ’26

Philosophy pushes you to question your values, your morals, and why you hold the beliefs about the world that you do. It has been challenging but so rewarding to gain a deeper understanding of myself, the world, and the interconnected nature of how our experiences and identities shape our societies.

Faculty & Teaching

Each philosophy professor in our department is an expert in a specific area of philosophy with research interests that include European thought, political philosophy, ancient philosophy, philosophy of mind, ethics, as well as science and values.

Professor Laura Perini

What is the basis of morality? What is the difference between knowledge and mere opinion? Philosophy addresses fundamental questions about the human condition. They might seem very abstract, but what makes philosophy difficult also, surprisingly, makes it practical: Making headway on such questions requires skills that are widely applicable, including evaluating arguments with clarity and precision, and recognizing and challenging assumptions—most importantly, your own.