Computer Science Major

Study core areas of computer science and advance to courses on algorithms, artificial intelligence, databases, natural language processing, neural networks, human-computer interaction and security.

As a computer science major or minor, you'll learn to analyze complex problems and to critically evaluate potential solutions. You'll also become versed in core areas of computer science including systems, theory and algorithms. You'll apply that knowledge in the senior seminar and an optional independent senior project or thesis, as well as in electives that include artificial intelligence, databases natural language processing, neural networks, human-computer interaction and security.

Students in the Computer Science Lab
Students in the Computer Science Lab

What You’ll Study

    • Techniques for identifying, formulating and solving complex problems
    • Discrete mathematics and data structures
    • Systems, programming languages and algorithms
    • Current topics in computer science
At least half of all Pomona students take at least one computer science course while at Pomona College.

Research at Pomona

Katiana Wieser ’24

Animating Asterism

Research under Professor Osborn allowed Katiana Wieser ’24 to explore the underlying complexities and logic that make video games possible while also questioning how to lower the barrier of entry into video game creation through Asterism: A Game Engine Engine. Through this research she has been able to use her personal interest in animation to add new features to the existing lab work.

Aldo Ruiz Parra
Aldo Ruiz Parra ’25

The Computer Science Department arranges the curriculum in a way that strives to balance practical applications and theoretical foundations. There are a variety of electives, from AI to human-computer interaction, that allow us to explore our passions. My favorite part about the discipline is the various subfields and industries one can break into with computer science.

Faculty & Teaching

Our computer science faculty expertise includes theory, algorithms, artificial intelligence, database systems, natural language processing, security, human computer interaction and security.

Professor Tzu-Yi Chen

More than just a collection of tools and techniques, computer science is a way of thinking about problems and so has wide-ranging applications to other disciplines. The CS curriculum teaches students how to conceptualize multiple views of a problem and how to develop and evaluate solutions grounded in theory, both in core courses and in electives in our areas of research.